We are transforming the material we gathered during our 2012 -13 tour into substantial documentaries and stories, so visit our new site www.localisingfood.com where all the action is now in full swing.
While THIS SITE is still active, take the opportunity to find out about the activities of our past tour. We are planning to include the most relevant content from this site on www.localisingfood.com. Localising food Tour This community-scale initiative aims to educate and inspire people towards local food resilience. The first stage was The Localising Food Tour - a journey of many months around New Zealand running workshops and filming inspiring examples of food resilience. This was the foundation stage of a larger vision to create a series of films for international distribution in 2013. We are now in this second stage - producing inspiring documentaries from this exceptional experience. What we did on Tour
Localising Food Tour Aotearoa was an educational and documentary tour of Aotearoa/NZ through Earthcare Education Aotearoa - a Nelson based Charitable Trust established for the purpose of sustainability education. The educators on this tour offered educational workshops on a diversity of food sustainability themes. As well as workshops and talks we filmed inspirational examples of local food resilience across different sectors of society, with the intention of creating documentaries to bring to the public to mobilise them to adopt and adapt some of these initiatives in their own localities, in order to sustain local food security. The Localising Food Tour Aotearoa is comprised of three main parts:
Take a look at a story we captured on the tour:
Check out Backyard Bees - one of the many inspiring stories from around the country of how Kiwis are producing amazing food in their own communities: